Thursday, September 20, 2007

#23 Summarize Your Thoughts 9/20/2007

This is it the end. I am very happy to have completed this program.

Some of my most favorite journeys on this program were being able to post the YouTube commercial to my blog. I thought that this was the best. Although I think that the MEEZ's and the AVATARS are scary, I did have fun playing with the various characters.

This program has not really assisted or affected my lifelong learning goals. Learning to interact with people I don't know on the internet has never really been on of my lifelong goals. I enjoy my everyday life. I enjoy the people I work with and most of the patrons that I see at work. I also do a great deal of volunteer work within the community. My lifelong goals have to do with becoming a good person. I do like to learn new things, but more hands on things. I do not want to spend my entire life in front of the computer. I would be missing out on my family and watching my children grow.

I did not find any unexpected outcomes. The take-aways are that there is too much information on the internet. There are too many people who like to hear themselves think, and want others to know what they think to be gospel. I've also take away the knowledge that there are an awful lot of people out there ready to give their opinion.

I think that the next time a program like this is offered, it should be made more job specific. At the circulation counter, we do not need to use any of these various interactive resources.

I found this program very time consuming. It is very difficult to find off desk time from the circulation counter to complete the program. I did find that I enjoyed some of the various book review sites. This may help me to find another author that I would enjoy reading.

All that I know is I am certainly glad to be finished. It's Party Time!!!

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