Thursday, August 9, 2007

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by greeneanne83
This is my first and only movie production


Blogging has its good points and its bad points. It is good to be able to share information with other people. It is nice to know that other people may share your particular point of view. It is bad in that there are times that you don't necessarily want to know other people's opinions. It would seem to me that people may take the opportunity to say hurtful things in writing that they may not say to someone face to face. I think that also misunderstandings may occur due to taking the written word the wrong way.


I think that the pointers for lifelong learners was interesting. It gave me information that I already knew, but it was good to be remined of the opportunities of learning.

7 Habits of Successful Learners

The hardest habit to follow as a successful learner is setting a learning goal and making time for it. It is so easy to get caught up in day to day activities that I tend to put off learning new things, because I need to focus on family and responsibility. Also, using technology to your advantage is hard. The TV is a technological tool that prevents me from doing better learning activities. The easiest habit is 7 1/2, playing. Doing fun things, especially with the family is great.